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Home page for the medical library


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EBSCO Discovery allows you to search across multiple research sources and can provide the information for a great introduction to your topic. Follow-up with one of the major research databases to fine-tune your search and get powerful results!

Contact the Integris Medical Library by sending an e-mail to and/or

Normal operating hours are 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
When calling the library, please DO leave a message - we will definitely follow up!

Sonya Palmer
Integris Southwest Medical Center

Lisa Zarrella
Integris Baptist Medical Center

The Medical Library is here to assist INTEGRIS employees, physicians, patients, and affiliates with their information needs.

Some of the services we offer are

  • Research assistance - looking for information on topics for patient care, education support, or any other purpose
  • Locating publications - assisting to locate the full text of journals, books, and other material
  • Preparing information resources - create subject guides, video tutorials, and instructional publications to help patrons make better use of information sources
  • Instruction - Working with individuals one-on-one or in a group setting for instruction on using databases and other tools
  • Presentations - Presenting at department meetings, conferences, fairs, or in any other setting where people would like to learn about our services and resources
  • Alerting services - setting up search alerts and table of contents alerts to help patrons stay abreast of new information published in their field
  • Interlibrary loan services - obtaining documents that we do not own from other libraries
  • Consortium participation - working with other libraries in order to obtain databases, electronic products, and other material at a lowered cost
  • Subscription & book purchasing - coordinate purchasing for books, journals, and magazines for all INTEGRIS departments

Subject & Specialty Guides

NCLEX Test Prep Resources

Now Available!  The Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination 9th Edition  NOTE: You must be on a device connected to the INTEGRIS Health Network to access this eBook

IMPORTANT:  When finished consulting this item, please close the browser window to allow the item to be accessed by another user!

Check out the Test Prep webpage on the INTEGRIS Health Medical Library website for more NCLEX related resources!

Electronic Journal and Book Search


ClinicalKey eBooks - Current titles published by Elsevier
eBooks from our OVID database
Browse items in our R2 eBook database

TinyCat - Traditional online library catalog
Check the traditional online library catalog to find physical books and journal back-issues that are on the shelves at INTEGRIS Health Medical Library

Citation Search

Ask a Librarian

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Medical Librarians
Contact: (INTEGRIS Southwest Medical Center: 405-636-7437) / (INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center: 405-949-3767)