Guidelines can be found at the websites of the sponsoring organizations (e.g., major medical organizations and clinical specialty societies), or by entering "clinical practice guidelines" into a search engine. "Practice guideline" can also be set as a limit term for type of article when using PubMed to search the US National Library of Medicine. There are also a few organizations dedicated to making practice guidelines more accessible.
American College of Physicians: Clinical Guidelines & Recommendations
ACP's goal is to provide clinicians with recommendations based on the best available evidence; to inform clinicians of when there is no evidence; and finally, to help clinicians deliver the best health care possible.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
The USPSTF is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services. All recommendations are published on the Task Force’s Web site and/or in a peer-reviewed journal.
Guideline Central is dedicated to providing healthcare professionals with evidence-based clinical decision-support tools that are current, practical, and easily accessible. Guideline Central partners with over thirty-five medical societies and government agencies to provide quick-reference tools that physicians can rely on for credible guidance in the management of a medical condition
Acute Pain from Musculoskeletal Injuries
Appropriate Antibiotic Use
Breast Cancer Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening
High Flow Nasal Oxygen for Acute Respiratory Failure
Hepatitis C
Point-of-care Ultrasound for Acute Dyspnea
Testosterone Treatment