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Critical Care / Intensive Care Nursing: Resources

Guidelines / Standards

Guidelines and standards are statements that include recommendations intended to optimize patient care.  These statements are informed by a systematic review of evidence and an assessment of the benefits and costs of alternative care options. The Medical Library can help with access to guidelines such as the ones below (click guideline name for information):

Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Guidelines for the Management of Pain, Agitation/Sedation, Delirium, Immobility, and Sleep Disruption in the ICU Guidelines for the Provision and Assessment of Nutrition Support Therapy in the Adult Critically Ill Patient Standards for Critical care Nursing Practice (Canada), 6th edition, 2024

AACN Scope & Standards of Practice are available for download by registered users from the AACN website 

The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.  Below are just a few of the items in the area of critical care nursing and intensive care nursing available via the medical library subscription to Cochrane Library

Journals & Books


Contact the Integris Medical Library by sending an e-mail to and/or

Normal operating hours are 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
When calling the library, please DO leave a message - we will definitely follow up!

Sonya Palmer
Integris Southwest Medical Center

Lisa Zarrella
Integris Baptist Medical Center
If voicemail picks up, please do leave a message!  A librarian will respond promptly!

The Medical Library is here to assist INTEGRIS employees, physicians, patients, and affiliates with their information needs.

Some of the services we offer are

  • Research assistance - looking for information on topics for patient care, education support, or any other purpose
  • Locating publications - assisting to locate the full text of journals, books, and other material
  • Preparing information resources - create subject guides, video tutorials, and instructional publications to help patrons make better use of information sources
  • Instruction - Working with individuals one-on-one or in a group setting for instruction on using databases and other tools
  • Presentations - Presenting at department meetings, conferences, fairs, or in any other setting where people would like to learn about our services and resources
  • Alerting services - setting up search alerts and table of contents alerts to help patrons stay abreast of new information published in their field
  • Interlibrary loan services - obtaining documents that we do not own from other libraries
  • Consortium participation - working with other libraries in order to obtain databases, electronic products, and other material at a lowered cost
  • Subscription & book purchasing - coordinate purchasing for books, journals, and magazines for all INTEGRIS departments