The National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC) is the library of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). It collects, catalogs, and disseminates the articles, reports, curricula, guides, and other publications of the research projects funded by NIDILRR. Also available on the site are Disability Resources, NARIC Publications, a Knowledgebase, and a search area for Articles, Books & Reports.
There are many anatomy, physiology, physical therapy, and rehabilitation resources online. Listed below are just a few useful items such as websites for interactive anatomy, tests and measures, orthopedics, and physical therapy videos. For even more resources, visit -
3D human visualization platform for anatomy and disease.
"Google Earth for the Human Body" -
Still images (though 3D is available) of all parts and systems of the human body - just click to zoom in and get information! This site does not require you to sign-in, but is supported by advertising. -
A searchable "rehabilitation measures" database of instruments that can be filtered by assessment type, area of assessment, population, body part, and cost. -
An open source online orthopedics textbook presented by Duke University Medical Center's Division of Orthopedic Surgery. When the page opens, click on the parts of the skeleton pictured for topics about that area of the body.
Video Gallery -
Videos from the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy on a variety of topics.
ECRI Institute, the independent nonprofit organization that the United States federal government relied on to develop and maintain the now shuttered National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC), has taken over the responsibility of providing this critical service to the healthcare community.
ECRI Guidelines Trust provides a centralized repository of current, properly vetted evidence based clinical practice guidelines summaries and other information. The site enables users to search and retrieve ECRI's summarization and full text of clinical practice guidelines from hundreds of participating guideline developers. Included with the results of a search of the ECRI Guidelines Trust will be unbiased evaluations on the rigor and transparency of the guidelines against the National Academy of Medicine standards fro trustworthiness.
Guidelines can be found at the websites of the sponsoring organizations (eg, major medical organizations and clinical specialty societies), or by entering "clinical practice guidelines" into a search engine. "Practice guideline" can also be set as a limit term for type of article when using PubMed to search the US National Library of Medicine.
Here are some examples of Guidelines published by organizations:
AAPM &R Endorsed or Affirmed Guidelines
Guidelines posted on the American Academy of Neurology
AHA/ASA Guideline for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery - A guideline for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.
A site named GuidelineCentral has a free searchable library of Guideline summaries. You can create a free account to unlock more content, but some information is blocked by a paywall.
Alternatively, use TRIP, a clinical search engine that links to over 3,500 guidelines from the USA (and over 10,000 guidelines in total). The Trip Blog will take you through the process step-by-step.