EBSCO's skills database that features evidence-based traing and support for nurses and allied health professionals
Contract & Invoice
All of the invoicing and related material goes through nursing education.
Lisa Rother is Integris’s contact for Ebsco’s Dynamic Health
Subscription period May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019 (5 year contract through 2023)
Nursing Reference Center+ is tied into the purchase of DynamicHealth, but we really don't need it.
Fiscal year 2019: $98,938
Vender Contact
Nancy Shultz
Renewal Date
June 1, 2020
Special steps for renewal / cancelation
If a multi-year agreement was done when the product was selected, the contract would need to be reviewed
Primary Audience
Nursing staff
Usage stats
How it is utilized by the INTEGRIS Medical Library
The library staff does not use DynamicHealth