Earn Point-of-Care CME credits for the clinical searches you do in AccessMedicine CME eligible titles. Each structured search is designated for 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™.
To earn CME credit, you must firs treat a free MyAccess account - the link for which is located in the top right area of AccessEmergencyMedicine.
After creating and logging into your account, follow these steps:
1. Search for content related to your question and look for the CME Eligible badge. (You may also limit your search to only CME Eligible content by clicking on the Books menu and checking the CME Eligible box near the top of the screen.)
2. Read eligible content. After 15 seconds, you can begin the process of claiming your CME credit. Click on the CME icon at the top of the entry.
3. Follow the prompts to assign the content to a Clinical Query.
4. Click to access your MyAccess information and select My CME.
5. Select the Clinical Query you wish to complete and click the Earn CME button.
6. Complete a short questionnaire, indicating how you'll apply what you've learned.
7. Within one year, click to Claim these CME credits and print your certificate.
Watch a short video demonstrating the steps to earn and claim CME credits.